Why Most Estate Plans Fail!
from Raymond J. GermanWills, Trusts, and Nursing Home Protection
At the workshop we will discuss several topics including:
• How you may able to qualify and use Medicaid to pay for nursing home expenses which are over $12,950 per month locally.
• PROBATE: What is it? Why does everyone want to avoid it?
• How do I ensure my children don’t waste or lose their inheritance?
• If I die first, and my spouse remarries, will my kids still get the money?
• How do I leave my money to my kids whom are financially irresponsible?
• How do I keep my assets in the family and protect them from lawsuits, or my child’s ex-spouse?
• What is the importance of having my Trust updated in the light of the recent changes to Estate Tax Laws?
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September 11, 2024 from 2:00 to 3:30 pmSeptember 11, 2024 02:00 to September 11, 2024 03:30 -
UND Center for Innovation (James C. Ray Idea Lab), 4200 James Ray Drive Grand Forks, ND, 58202
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Contact German Law for more information
(701) 738-0060
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