‘Revocable, Irrevocable, Or Both? Webinar

from Saul Kobrick

On this webinar you’ll learn:
• What is a Trust? And how is it Different from a Will?
• Difference Between Revocable & Irrevocable Trusts
• Probate and How to Avoid it
• Protecting your Assets with a Trust to Qualify for Medicaid
• Planning for Incapacity and Long-Term Care Expenses
• Different Qualifications for the Different Types of Medicaid
• The Efficient Way to Distribute your Estate
• Eliminating or Lessening the Tax Burden to Maximize your Family’s Inheritance
• Different Options Available to Best Protect Your Estate

We look forward to seeing you!

If you’re married, be sure to Participate with your Spouse

And feel free to invite a friend!

A Complimentary Consultation is offered to all webinar attendees. ($675.00 Value)

Certain Restrictions Apply

Kobrick & Moccia will be using Zoom for this webinar.

A Zoom link to access the webinar will be provided in a confirmation email after registering. (from )

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