Planning for Incapacity *Clients Only*

from Sinclair Prosser Gasior

Prepare yourself for the possibility of what could happen next! “Planning for Incapacity – How To Pay For Long Term Care Without Going Broke” will cover new legal strategies that can immediately protect a big portion of your assets from nursing home and other long term care costs, but it’s important to start the clock running as soon as possible. The seminar is designed to make you aware of why planning for incapacity is so vital to protecting your assets. It will outline activities that you must avoid that may disqualify you from Medicaid benefits and will outline the differences between Immediate Need Planning vs. Medicaid Pre-Planning. In addition, Attorney Jon J. Gasior will give you information on how best to help your aging parent and/or grandparents to deal with long-term issues when the time comes.

Don’t catch yourself in a state of denial. This is the time to be proactive to further protect your hard earned assets from nursing home costs and other long term care expenses. This information could go a long way in preserving your estate. (from )

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