Estate Planning Basics Webinar

from Alan L Augulis

Estate Planning Basics Webinar teaches you:

● The advantages and disadvantages of both Wills and Trusts.

● How the new SECURE Act has impacted inherited IRAs and the best strategies to minimize taxes to your heirs.

● How to keep your affairs private and your loved ones out of court if you become disabled and can’t speak for yourself. (Hint: Not all Powers of Attorney are valid!)

● If you will you owe estate taxes and how to help your heirs minimize or even avoid “death” taxes after your passing.

● Easy strategies to protect your children’s inheritance from being seized if they get divorced, sued or file bankruptcy in the future.

● How to preserve your estate for your children should you pass away and your surviving spouse gets remarried (without a plan, your family’s inheritance will legally go to the new husband or wife!).

● How to qualify and use Medicaid to pay for nursing home expenses which can average over $10,000 monthly.

● How parents (and grandparents!) of children with special needs can plan for a lifetime of care without jeopardizing eligibility for important benefits like Medicaid or Supplemental Security Income (SSI).


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