Estate Planning Basics

from Alan L Augulis

Estate Planning Basics Webinar teaches you:

● The advantages and disadvantages of both Wills and Trusts.

● How the new SECURE Act has impacted inherited IRAs and the best strategies to minimize taxes to your heirs.

● How to keep your affairs private and your loved ones out of court if you become disabled and can’t speak for yourself. (Hint: Not all Powers of Attorney are valid!)

● If you will you owe estate taxes and how to help your heirs minimize or even avoid “death” taxes after your passing.

● Easy strategies to protect your children’s inheritance from being seized if they get divorced, sued or file bankruptcy in the future.

● How to preserve your estate for your children should you pass away and your surviving spouse gets remarried (without a plan, your family’s inheritance will legally go to the new husband or wife!).

● How to qualify and use Medicaid to pay for nursing home expenses which can average over $10,000 monthly.

● How parents (and grandparents!) of children with special needs can plan for a lifetime of care without jeopardizing eligibility for important benefits like Medicaid or Supplemental Security Income (SSI).

Webinar Presented by Attorney Alan Augulis

Meet the author of The Ultimate Roadmap to Estate & Legacy Planning: Protecting your family, wealth and legacy. Mr. Augulis founded his Warren, New Jersey law firm so that he could focus his practice in the areas of estate planning and elder law. Mr. Augulis has invested considerable time and energy helping to educate others on the topic of estate planning and has become a sought-after speaker in the estate planning and elder law arena because of his informative and entertaining seminars.

Be sure to join us and invite your family members and friends as we discuss the importance of why you need a great estate planning attorney in New Jersey.


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