Antiques Appraisal with Thomaston Place Auction Galleries

from Linda Varrell

Come join OceanView at Falmouth on Wednesday, November 20, for its antiques appraisal event at Lunt Auditorium. The event will be in the model of the famous “Antiques Roadshow” program with members of the public bringing their pieces in for appraisal, hoping to be told they are in possession of a priceless antique.
The event will feature John D. Bottero, CAI, AARE, GPPA, of Thomaston Place Auction Galleries. John is a licensed auctioneer with over 25 years of experience. He will evaluate individual pieces, sharing elements of history about each treasure and will ultimately provide an appraisal of value.
Item submissions are limited to one per family, when you RSVP, until we reach the maximum for the timeframe. Items must be able to be carried in and placed on a table. Refreshments will be served and tours will be offered.

To RSVP, call (207) 781-4460.

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