Yule Bazaar and Ritual

from Temple of the Feminine Divine

What: Temple of the Feminine Divine’s annual Yule Bazaar and Ritual
When: December 20th at 5:30 PM (Snow Date: December 22nd, 5:30PM); Ritual to immediately follow at 7:00PM.
Where: Universalist Unitarian Church; 120 Park St. Bangor, Maine
Why: Yule, the longest night, and the shortest day.
Since the beginning of time, we have gathered in this season to
celebrate the rebirth of the Sun.
On the Winter Solstice, the darkest of nights,
The Goddess becomes the Great Mother and once again
gives birth to the Sun and the new yearly cycle,
Bringing new light and hope to all on Earth.
If you are a craft person and are interested in Vending, the fee for members is only 20% of your profits that evening; if you are not a member, the fee to vend is $40 or 20% of your profits, whichever is more.
The Temple of the Feminine Divine is a legally recognized church with ordained clergy and offers public ritual for the eight Pagan seasonal celebrations, as well as a library, meditation space, and religious counseling. We also host the Iseum Musicum, offering a three-year program culminating in legally recognized ordination. Our trained clergy are available to do hand-fasting’s, welcoming newborns, funerals, and all other rites of passage.
Please email us at: [email protected] or call the Temple at 207-942-0261 or visit us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BangorTOFD/
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