World Conference on Pharmaceutics and Drug delivery System

from Luciana Jones

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Magnus Group invites all the participants to World Conference on Pharmaceutics and Drug Delivery Systems (PDDS 2017) which is going to be held during June 29- July 01, 2017 at Valencia, Spain.

The (PDDS 2017) World Conference on Pharmaceutics and Drug Delivery Systems will bring together a collection of investigators who are at the forefront of their field, and will provide opportunities for junior scientists and graduate students to interactively present their work and exchange ideas with established senior scientists. At Congress, you’ll learn the latest developments in Drug Delivery Systems in sessions led by renowned scientists across the globe. Plus, you’ll have the opportunity to connect with more than 500 of your peers and celebrate your profession. You’ll leave better educated and more invigorated than you thought possible. We wish to see you in ‘Dubai’ a capital city of United Arab Emirates, and a promising place to discover novel things in the field of science and technology.

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