(Jan 23rd) Are Your Assets Protected for Those You Love? Q&A with Dave & Guest Speaker (Peoria, AZ)

from Dan R. Morris

Monthly Q&A with David Eastman
Guest Speaker: Tim S. Kerrigan JD, MBA with Clark Street Financial
Dave and Tim will lead a discussion on how to protect your assets for those you love. They will explain the positive impact of pre-planning and why taking a holistic approach, by combining your estate plan with your financial plan, can help protect your loved ones later.
They will cover topics, such as:

How should your assets be titled?
How to avoid probate.
How can your trust benefit your retirement assets?
How to protect your loved ones’ inheritance after you are gone.
Why should you have your estate plan reviewed every 3 years?

Freedom Plaza (Map)
RSVP by filling in the form below, or call (602) 249-1328 (from )

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